Like many professionals, my job doesn’t require expertise in data or analytics. I’m a writer and editor, so I deal with words, not numbers. Still, nearly every knowledge worker today needs to be a regular consumer of data analysis. For example, I need to understand whether and why articles on having a mid-career crisis outperformed ones on receiving feedback or why pieces with particular headlines get more traffic than others.
4 Analytics Concepts Every Manager Should Understand
From A/B testing to linear regression.
October 31, 2018

Jorg Greuel/Getty Images
Nearly every knowledge worker today needs to be a regular consumer of data analysis. Four data analytics concepts that every manager should understand include 1.) randomized controlled experiments; 2.) A/B testing; 3.) regression analysis; and 4.) statistical significance. This reading list of “refresher articles” from HBR’s archives will give you a basic understanding of each of these four concepts, and how you can be applying them in your day-to-day work. It doesn’t matter what business you are in or what your role is at your company, we all want to — need to, really — make smart, informed, evidence-based decisions.

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