Working parents sometimes struggle with the feeling that they are either letting down their family or not meeting their career goals. It can be hard to strike the right balance. As with most of the challenges we face at work, having an open and honest conversation is one of the first steps toward finding a solution. If you’re able to talk about the issue, you can often resolve it, or at least come to a compromise.
4 Conversations Every Overwhelmed Working Parent Should Have
With your boss, your children, your partner, and yourself.
August 08, 2018

Caspar Benson/Getty Images
Pulling off the working-parent balance can be incredibly challenging. But the first step is an open and honest conversation about how to establish a healthy balance. To start to work towards that, the authors recommend initiating four key conversations: one with yourself, one with your boss, one with your children, and one with your partner. These conversations can be challenging — but they’re the best (and only) way to achieve the changes you want to see at home and at work.

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