Like most of us, I think a lot about how to balance my duties at work with my responsibilities at home. I happen to be a husband and a dad raising four kids. My professional success shouldn’t come at the expense of my family, nor should being present at home compromise my ability to run a business.
4 Ways Working Dads Can Make More Time for Family

Do dads actually care that much about work-life balance? According to research, the answer is a resounding yes. A recent study found that while 80% to 90% of millennial dads wanted career advancement, only 4% strongly agreed that they’d be willing to sacrifice personal and family time to achieve it. So what can fathers — from any generational cohort — who want to focus on both career and family do to get the balance right? The author interviewed five men in top leadership roles who also have families about the advice they give the dads who work for them. Four common takeaways emerged from these conversations: minor family moments matter just as much as (if not more than) the major ones; work can often wait; setting boundaries between work and family is key to staying balanced; and setting measurable, family-related goals can help working dads hold themselves accountable.