I’ve spent my career helping companies address their data and data quality opportunities. Overall, I rate progress as “slower than hoped.” While there are many contributing factors, one of the most important is the sheer lack of analytic talent, up and down the organization chart. In turn, this lack of talent makes it harder for companies to leverage their data, to take full advantage of their data scientists, and to get in front of data quality issues. Lack of talent breeds fear, exacerbating difficulties in adopting a data-driven culture. And so forth, in a vicious cycle.
5 Concepts That Will Help Your Team Be More Data-Driven
On-the-job learning is how most of us will get the data skills we need.
November 01, 2018, Updated November 02, 2018

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Data is invading every nook and cranny of every team, department, and company in every industry, everywhere. Developing the talent needed to take full advantage must be a high priority. Indeed, everyone must be able to contribute to improving data quality, interpreting analyses, and conducting their own experiments. It will take decades for the public education systems to churn out enough people with the needed skills — far too long for companies to wait. Fortunately, managers, aided by a senior data scientist engaged for a few hours a week can introduce five powerful “tools” that will help their teams start to use analytics to solve important business problems.

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