The benefits of executive coaching are well-documented — as are the pitfalls. Once you’ve retained a coach to work with members of your senior team, what can you do to help people get the most out of the experience? Of course, the success of the engagement rests largely on the coach’s skill and the executive’s willingness to learn and grow. But the sponsor (whether a CEO, an HR leader, or another senior executive), also plays a vital role.
5 Ways Organizations Can Get the Most out of an Executive Coach
Set them — and your executives — up for success.
September 14, 2020

Andreas Mann/EyeEm/Getty Images
When you retain an executive coach, the success of the engagement depends largely on the skill of the coach and the willingness of the client to learn and grow. But there are also several things you can do as the coach’s sponsor (whether you’re a CEO, HR leader, or other senior executive) to help both the coachee and the organization as a whole maximize the value of the experience. Based on 25 years of coaching experience, the author offers five strategies to set a coach up for success, including ensuring adequate access to different areas within the organization, reinforcing the coach’s credibility with key stakeholders, and setting clear expectations and boundaries for where the coach will and won’t be involved.

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