While the world continues to battle the Covid-19 pandemic, another, slower-moving health crisis remains. Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) — chronic conditions like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and chronic respiratory conditions — were responsible for 71% of all global deaths in the years before Covid-19 and will remain problematic long after the pandemic ends.
A Better Approach to Fighting Chronic Diseases
Public-private partnerships are more common in infrastructure, but they offer potential for global health.
September 08, 2020

Paul Linse/Getty Images
Chronic conditions, like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and chronic respiratory conditions, were responsible for 71% of all global deaths in the years before Covid-19 and will remain problematic long after the pandemic ends. A potent and underutilized tool for reducing this looming cost lies in public-private partnerships. But to succeed, these entities must have credibility or trust. This is especially true in the health realm where the public might be especially skeptical of the introduction of private profit-making into health care.