Transitioning into management for the first time is a significant career milestone. I can still remember the precise moment when I learned that I would lead a team. I had patiently, but persistently, pursued my promotion. I strategically changed jobs to put myself on an expedited track to management at a large firm with a great reputation. I was convinced I was ready. After I celebrated the announcement of my ascent to management, I quickly discovered that I had a lot to learn.
Are You Ready to Become a Manager?
Ten questions to ask yourself before taking the leap.
June 20, 2023

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When you’re working toward a promotion to a management position, proving that you’re ready is just one part of the process. To be a strong manager, you need to be a problem-solver at the highest level. It’s essential to uncover what you don’t know yet. In addition to assembling tangible examples that demonstrate your managerial credentials, take an objective assessment of the gaps in your experience, knowledge, and management skills. To determine which skills and knowledge you need to improve or develop to become an effective first-time manager, ask yourself these 10 questions.

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Career Management Course
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HBR Learning

Career Management Course
Accelerate your career with Harvard ManageMentor®. HBR Learning’s online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Career Management. Earn badges to share on LinkedIn and your resume. Access more than 40 courses trusted by Fortune 500 companies.
What's your next career move? Learn how to set yourself up for success.