I wasn’t thrilled. I’d just learned that the trip to NYC that I was taking with my extended family would center on the American Girl store. When I think New York, I think Central Park, Broadway shows, fancy cocktails, and shopping. I’m not a doll person, not now in my 33rd year, or ever. I went through a Cabbage Patch phase, but it was brief, and it was more about needing to have what everyone else had and less about actual doll playing.
Authenticity Lessons from the American Girl Store
I wasn’t thrilled. I’d just learned that the trip to NYC that I was taking with my extended family would center on the American Girl store. When I think New York, I think Central Park, Broadway shows, fancy cocktails, and shopping. I’m not a doll person, not now in my 33rd year, or ever. I […]
April 08, 2008

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