In principle, new technologies help companies increase productivity: Logistics systems ensure that they have the right quantities of things they need, operational systems help automate production and the delivery of goods and services, and decision support systems bring the analyses and forecasts managers need to make better decisions to their fingerprints. Further, during the pandemic, many companies rushed to digitize even faster. Productivity should be soaring. Unfortunately, it hasn’t happened.
Bad Data Is Sapping Your Team’s Productivity
Mislabeled, missing, or incorrect information creates more work for everyone.
November 30, 2022

Westend61/Getty Images
Data science was supposed to create a new productivity boom. But, for many companies, that boom never arrived. What’s gone wrong? While companies have invested in data tools, much of the data that’s fed into these systems is low quality — with mislabeled, missing, or incorrect information, which in turn creates more work, and more drag in the system. To address this, companies should: 1) rally employees to the cause and drive home why this is important, 2) measure data quality across the full range of departments, functions, and tasks, 3) relentlessly attack the sources of the data quality tax.

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