Today’s organizations are under pressure to adapt their infrastructures and processes to a more digitally based, dynamic marketplace. To stay competitive, companies have increasingly adopted an agile project management framework — and access to timely and relevant information is more valuable than ever. As such, project managers increasingly rely on activity-based dashboards for reporting timely and user-friendly information to project stakeholders who want to understand how project activities affect interim performance objectives.
Build a Better Dashboard for Your Agile Project
Project managers often struggle to get the data they need — or to find it in a sea of data they don’t.
July 14, 2021

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Good, reliable data is often the key to making an agile project successful. But project managers often struggle to get the data they need — or to find it in a sea of data they don’t. A project to address this problem at Honeywell Inc. can be a model for companies struggling to build useful dashboards that can help project managers make decisions. Bringing in perspectives from stakeholders across the organization they successfully met their project managers’ needs by following a few design principles: 1) start with the users’ perspectives, 2) simplify visuals with intentional data engineering, 3) focus on making the end interface user-friendly, and 4) create user-friendly documentation and training.

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