Can the Next Big Thing be chased down? Can coolness be hunted on purpose? That’s the premise of a new book called Coolhunting: Chasing Down the Next Big Thing by MIT researchers Peter Gloor and Scott Cooper. The book advocates a variety of methods for sensing the market for cool ideas in the form of products, processes, and services. You may have an innate sense for what’s coming up next, but your efforts would undoubtedly be aided by the book’s approaches, which include analyzing blog content, using opinion markets, and forming COINS, or “community of interest networks.”
Chasing Cool
Can the Next Big Thing be chased down? Can coolness be hunted on purpose? That’s the premise of a new book called Coolhunting: Chasing Down the Next Big Thing by MIT researchers Peter Gloor and Scott Cooper. The book advocates a variety of methods for sensing the market for cool ideas in the form of […]
September 12, 2007

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