While trust is taking top billing in many discussions about generative AI’s design and uses, it’s also important to bring inclusivity and accessibility into the thick of things early on. That means ensuring that individuals with disabilities themselves play an active role in shaping the technology’s evolution, particularly as it pertains to opening job opportunities and carrying out tasks. The benefits of doing so will lift your company and society. In this article, I explain those benefits and offer some essential guidelines to building inclusivity into the design of this technology.
Designing Generative AI to Work for People with Disabilities
An estimated 386 million working age people have some kind of disability. These six features will ensure your tools are as accessible as possible.
August 18, 2023

HBR Staff; solarseven/Getty Images; Unsplash
Generative AI has the potential to help individuals with disabilities find and excel in jobs. This article discusses those benefits and how companies can build inclusivity into the design of this technology.