It’s alluring and very much in vogue to connect social responsibility with profitability. If you can make a business case for positive social action, everybody wins—employees, shareholders, and society at large. But for decades researchers have labored to answer a nagging question: Is there, in fact, a link between corporate social performance and corporate financial performance? Not a strong one, according to an analysis of 167 such studies that were conducted over 35 years, a project we undertook with James P. Walsh from the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business.
Do Well by Doing Good? Don’t Count on It
It’s alluring and very much in vogue to connect social responsibility with profitability. If you can make a business case for positive social action, everybody wins—employees, shareholders, and society at large. But for decades researchers have labored to answer a nagging question: Is there, in fact, a link between corporate social performance and corporate financial […]
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Research over 35 years shows only a weak link between socially responsible corporate behavior and good financial performance. However, there’s no evidence of risk in doing good, only in being exposed for misdeeds.
A version of this article appeared in the January 2008 issue of Harvard Business Review.

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