With the murder of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, followed by months of Black Lives Matter protests, through to the shooting of Jacob Blake on August 23, leaders in the United States and around the world have finally begun to recognize the racial inequities embedded deep in the systems in which we operate each day: neighborhoods, schools, stores, banks, courts, housing markets — and workplaces.
Do You Know Why Your Company Needs a Chief Diversity Officer?
Six questions to ask before you fill the role.
September 11, 2020

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The growing force of the racial justice movement in the United States has pushed many companies to start searching — internally and externally — for their first Chief Diversity/Equity/Inclusion Officer. But there are six questions leaders should ask themselves before making this important hire: Why are you now interested in committing to DEI? What are the real job requirements and can you think creatively about who might meet the criteria? Where does the role sit relative to the CEO? What kind of budget and staff do you plan to marshal for this hire? Which metrics will use you measure success? And will the person have influence over not just HR but also products and services?