Environmental well-being. Human agency. Transparency. These are just a few of the ill-defined principles commonly listed in ethical frameworks for artificial intelligence (AI), hundreds of which have now been released by organizations ranging from Google to the government of Canada to BMW. As organizations embrace AI with increasing speed, adopting these principles is widely viewed as one of the best ways to ensure AI does not cause unintended harms.
Ethical Frameworks for AI Aren’t Enough
You need to be able translate your principles into metrics your team can use.
November 09, 2020

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Many organizations have adopted a set of high-level principles to ensure that their AI makes decisions in an ethical fashion and causes no harm. But to give the principles teeth, organizations need to have an implementation strategy that includes concrete metrics that can be measured and monitored by engineers, data scientists, and legal personnel. Because there is no one-size-fits-all approach to quantifying potential harms created by AI, metrics are likely to vary across organizations, use cases, and regulatory jurisdictions. But that need not discourage organizations; they can draw from a combination of existing research, legal precedents, and technical best practices.

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