When it comes to raising children and managing a career in the United States, there are few institutional or community supports in place. But there is no shortage of advice. Parenting books, mothers-in-law, colleagues, judgy peers, and random senior citizens at the market all lie in wait to tell you what you’re doing wrong and how you should be raising your child: Breast is best. You can’t be a parent and be on the partner track. No screen time. Asking for a reduced schedule is career suicide. Put some socks on that baby!

Schoolchildren cross at the corner of Jackson and Hyde in San Francisco on Sept. 4, 1952.
(Photo: Joe Rosenthal/San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images)
From Hands-Off to Helicopters
A brief history of working parenthood in the United States.
November 11, 2020
· Long read
American parents now work more hours and spend more time with their children than they have at any point in recent history. The pandemic only made this more true, with children as their coworkers and parents as teachers and playmates and full-time caretakers. But it wasn’t always this way. Jennifer Traig takes us through the highlights of work, parenting, and the books and policies that have influenced the lives of working parents over the decades.
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