Over the course of the pandemic, the outward, active support and gratitude for health care providers has waned and, in many cases, been replaced by distrust and increasing aggression. Refusals to wear masks, frustration with visitation policies, and racial profiling feel amplified in these times of crisis. Frontline staff, including nurses, doctors, residents, security guards, orderlies, and cleaning staff have been feeling the effects.
Frustrated Patients Are Making Health Care Workers’ Jobs Even Harder
Bad behavior puts both caregivers and patients at risk. Here are six ways to reduce it.
May 14, 2021

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Frontline health care workers — including nurses, doctors, residents, security guards, orderlies, and cleaning staff — have borne the brunt of a population made angrier and more frustrated by the pandemic. This should be disconcerting for everyone given the potential consequences. Research shows that exposure to rudeness has been shown to negatively impact medical teams’ diagnoses and procedural performance. The authors present six ways to reduce incivility and bad behavior in health care settings based on their experience and research. Safety and communication training, behavioral nudges, and trauma-informed care can all help align patients’ and their caregivers’ expectations and keep both groups safe.

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