It’s no secret that women are under-represented in high-paying jobs in management. While numbers vary across industries, a recent survey in the financial services sector found that while women represented 58% of human resources, 46% of marketing, and 35% of legal executive roles, they held only 13% of technology, 17% of finance and 21% of operations executive roles. Unfortunately, gender pay gaps arise because the management occupations with fewer women typically pay more. How does the gender imbalance across occupations happen and can it be corrected?
How Business Schools Can Help Close the Gender Gap
Female instructors in quantitative courses can lead more women into finance, consulting, and consumer technology.
December 23, 2020

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Elevating the quantitative performance of women in business school can help increase the representation of talented women in finance, consulting, consumer technology, which are also typically more lucrative. To do this, female instructors are key. While women’s grades in quantitative courses are 11% of a standard deviation lower than that of men on average, when they are taught by female instructors, their performance improves by 7.7%. The authors found that female instructors increased female students’ interest and performance expectations in quantitative courses and are viewed as role models by female students. When women perform higher in “quant” courses, it results in more gender-healthy pipelines for senior management positions.

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