The intersection of the global pandemic and the uprising around racism has highlighted the systemic obstacles that disproportionately affect Black people. Many corporations have responded with commitments to anti-racism and are beginning to hold their brands, employees, suppliers, and corporate partners accountable. But one important partner is often overlooked in these commitments: academia.
How Business Schools Can Help Corporate America Fight Racism
The underrepresentation of Black voices in academia reflects and feeds the same problem in corporate America.
November 25, 2020

Cactus Creative Studio/Stocksy
Fighting anti-Black racism in the corporate world needs to be done in partnership with academia. After all, business schools in particular play a critical role in shaping the next generation of leaders, and Black representation (or lack thereof) in materials and faculty has an impact on not only who leads businesses but also how they lead. The authors lay out three areas where academia is currently falling short in preparing leaders to embrace and deliver on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Then they recommend nine strategies that corporations and academia should adapt to do each do their part.