Can digital be luxury? Until very recently, most consumers and luxury companies would have said no. Luxury is about exclusivity, whereas digital about making products, data, and knowledge accessible — the two would seem to be mutually exclusive. According to this logic digital is only ever going to be a channel or, at best, an add-on supplementing and amplifying a physical product or experience.
How Luxury Brands Are Manufacturing Scarcity in the Digital Economy
Lessons from Balenciaga, Louis Vuitton, and Gucci.
January 28, 2022

Stanislav Chegleev/Getty Images
Traditional luxury goods companies have treated digital as a channel. But they’re now starting to treat it as a marketplace in its own right, thanks largely to Blockchain technology, which has delivered the Non-Fungible Token. Today, the key ingredients of luxury – rarity, exclusivity, and cost — can also apply to virtual products, as companies like Balenciaga, Louis Vuitton, and Gucci have realized.

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