What do you do about a colleague who is always telling you how to do your job? Or someone who seems to always have the answer, implying that you don’t? Or a coworker who uses a patronizing tone whenever they talk to you? Dealing with a condescending colleague can be frustrating, demoralizing, and even infuriating. And while it certainly doesn’t feel good to interact with someone who monopolizes conversations or consistently positions their ideas a superior, these interactions can also negatively impact your reputation and career.
How to Deal with a Condescending Colleague
It can be particularly roiling when your know-it-all coworker is actually right.
February 13, 2024

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Working with a condescending coworker is irritating at best and career-limiting at worst. But you don’t need to sit back and suffer. In this article, the author outlines steps you can take to curb your colleague’s bluster or at least lessen its impact on you and your career.

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