We’d all love for our bosses to be connected and knowledgeable inside our organizations. An in-the-loop manager can give direct reports timely and accurate information, introductions to important people, appropriate guidance on projects, and, in best-case scenarios, a leg up in their careers.
How to Get Ahead When Your Boss Doesn’t Have Influence

Some bosses lack the political aptitude or key competencies that would let them help you get ahead. When you realize that your manager is out of the loop and your opportunities for influence within the company are limited, focus on getting you more access to communications. Identify individuals who can connect you with important information, and then find a low-key way to meet. As you develop relationships with senior leaders, review who is successful at selling ideas or meeting goals. Use this information to fine-tune your interactions and approaches. And, identify where your talents would most benefit the company so that you can become a key contributor to the organization. Don’t rely on anyone else — including a manager with higher standing — to open doors for you.