Whether you’ve been promoted, taken a new job, or just needed to make a change — moving to a new city can be a scary endeavor. You’ve been uprooted from your social circle, severed from your former colleagues, and charged with rebuilding a network for personal support and professional development.
How to Make Friends in a New City

Moving to a new city can be a scary endeavor. You’ve been uprooted from your social circle, severed from your colleagues, and charged with rebuilding a network for personal support and professional development. While it does take effort, it doesn’t have to take a long time. To start, try reconnecting with old friends or colleagues. Just because you’ve stayed in the same place doesn’t mean that everyone else has. You might find that you already know some people in your new city. Secondly, don’t underestimate the power of asking your existing friends and colleagues if they know anyone who they can connect you with. It may sound obvious, but many of us only reach out to our closest friends. To get the most out of your current network, make sure to cast a wide net. Lastly, seek out shared activities, or events where you’ll be forced to work with others. Community service, classes, or sports leagues are just a few examples. You’re more likely to make new and diverse connections when you participate in activities that require collaboration.