Facing economic uncertainty and slowing revenue growth, companies continue to announce layoffs affecting thousands of workers. These downsizings, which have shifted beyond the tech industry to multiple other sectors, are undeniably tragic for layoff victims. But they’re also terrible for the workers left behind. Layoff survivors often struggle with psychological impacts from the downsizing, including guilt, anxiety, and depression. In a state of diminished trust and morale, they also remain on edge as they fearfully await another round of cuts. And all too often, layoff survivors are expected to pick up the work their terminated colleagues left behind.
How to Manage Your Team’s Workload After Layoffs
Protect your employees from burnout, prioritize retention, and visualize long-term success.
June 26, 2023

Susanne Walstrom/Getty Images
All too often in the case of layoffs, the people who survive it are expected to pick up the work that their terminated colleagues left behind. Meanwhile, these layoff survivors are often struggling with survivor guilt, anxiety, and low morale. In short, after a layoff, more is being asked of people who have less to give. This is a recipe for disaster when it comes to burnout and retention of key talent. In this piece, the authors outline four strategies for right sizing the workload on your team.

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