Imagine you’re the CEO of a major technology firm and your chief operations officer is conducting a site visit in Asia to scope out a potential new investment. Your company needs: 1) an on-the-ground security provider to protect your COO during the trip, 2) an assessment of the country, including security and geopolitical conditions that could facilitate or jeopardize business, and 3) better understanding of your potential partners.
How to Vet a Corporate Intelligence Vendor

Demand for intelligence vendors is substantial and increasing. In 2022, global cyber threat intelligence was estimated to be a $4.93 billion industry, and U.S. security services was a whopping $48.1 billion. Geopolitical and security risk intelligence is an unquantified but essential and rapidly growing part of the story. But how do you know whether an intelligence vendor aligns with your company’s needs, risk tolerance, and ethics? The authors, from Harvard University’s Belfer Center’s Intelligence Project, have developed a database of 70 vendors that corporate intelligence professionals identified as informing their work. Their systematic analysis of this dynamic ecosystem revealed four key questions for corporate decision makers to ask in order to maximize their return on vendors.