According to the World Health Organization, a record number of young people worldwide are suffering from serious depression or anxiety disorders. In some sections of society, there is a tendency to dismiss this trend as the product of an over-indulged, over-entitled, and over-sensitive “snowflake generation.”
Perfectionism Is Increasing, and That’s Not Good News
According to data on 40,000 college students in the UK, U.S., and Canada.
January 26, 2018

Juj Winn/Getty Images
Data on 40,000 college students in the UK, U.S., and Canada from 1989 to 2016 shows that perfectionism is on the rise, and may be to blame for increasing rates of anxiety and depression among young people. Managers, mentors, and coaches can help alleviate this problem by reminding young people that being “perfect” is not a healthy goal; being imperfect is natural, and not a failure; that failure itself is not a sign of weakness; and that when it comes to assignments, done is better than perfect. Reminding them of previous experiences and successes might help; but being impatient, demanding or critical won’t.

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