The challenge in some organizations is not enough risk-taking: Employees are too cautious and not willing to try new things even when they’d be beneficial, on average, for the organization. In other organizations, the problem is excessive risk-taking: Risky behavior spreads through an organization until something goes wrong. From poor financial decision-making to unethical behavior, excessive risk-taking can sink a company.
Research: How Risky Behavior Spreads
Lessons from the pre-vaccine days of the pandemic.
February 17, 2023

Jenae Escobar/Getty Images
How does risky behavior spread? There are two theories: one involving social cues and the other involving trial-and-error. Covid-19 offered a chance to study this phenomenon and found evidence for both. In particular, the authors’ research documents a phenomenon of “risk creep,” where lucky near-misses (not getting Covid) encourage people to take riskier behavior in the future.