• Strategy as a Wicked Problem

    Strategic planning Magazine Article
    “Wicked” problems can’t be solved, but they can be tamed. Increasingly, these are the problems strategists face—and for which they are ill equipped.
  • Marketing When Customer Equity Matters

    Analytics and data science Magazine Article
    Wachovia has a long-term goal to build customer equity and short-term decisions to make on how to allocate marketing resources. Until recently, it had no way to connect the two.
  • Are You Ready for Global Turmoil?

    Strategic planning Digital Article
    Recent headlines — Citigroup’s layoffs, Iceland’s sudden downturn, worldwide food shortages, etc. — suggest serious global turmoil is ahead. All companies, and multinationals in particular, should be prepared to withstand it. Unfortunately, many are not. Traditional forecasting and budgeting systems produce linear projections insufficient for risky, uncertain times. What’s needed is scenario planning, where companies […]
  • How One Family Business Found Its Sweet Spot

    Strategic planning Digital Article
    Smart firms can learn to distinguish what type of work leads to big profits — and what doesn’t.
  • Fast Heat: How Korea Won the Microwave War

    Strategic planning Magazine Article
    On my first visit to Samsung’s Suwon complex, the headquarters of the company’s electronics and appliance division was even more Third World than I expected. The factory floors were bare concrete. People hand-wheeled parts to and from the production line. The research lab reminded me of a dilapidated high-school science classroom. But the work going […]
  • Coupling Strategy to Operating Plans

    Operations strategy Magazine Article
    In recent years a growing number of companies have expended considerable amounts of time and money to develop strategic planning skills in their profit centers and at higher organizational levels. We applaud this effort, but as we stand back and observe large and small companies alike apply this new talent and expertise, we are struck […]
  • Link Manufacturing Process and Product Life Cycles

    Operations and supply chain management Magazine Article
    The regularity of the growth cycles of living organisms has always fascinated thoughtful he observers regularity and of has the invited growth a cycles variety of living attempts to apply the same principles—of a predictable sequence of rapid growth followed by maturation, decline, and death—to companies and selected industries. One such concept, known as the […]
  • Putting the Enterprise Into the Enterprise System

    Technology & Operations Magazine Article
    Drawing on a rich set of company examples, Thomas H. Davenport, a professor at the University of Texas's Graduate School of Business, provides a fresh,...
  • Planning with People in Mind

    Organizational Development Magazine Article
    Many American companies have begun to plan for their professional, managerial, and technical personnel. The most critical element is management's appreciation...
  • What's the Status of Your Relationship With Innovation?

    Innovation & Leadership Digital Article
    This short quiz can gauge how committed your company really is.
  • How to Design a Strategic Planning System

    Strategic planning Magazine Article
    In this sequel to their well-received earlier collaboration for HBR, “Strategic Planning in Diversified Companies” (January–February 1975), Peter Lorange and Richard F. Vancil take the reader through the steps necessary to implement and carry forward a formal strategic planning effort. They identify six issues that top management has to deal with along the way: communication […]
  • Maneuver Warfare: Can Modern Military Strategy Lead You to Victory?

    Decision making and problem solving Magazine Article
    Business has gone through a dramatic transformation in recent years. So has warfare. Every executive knows firsthand the daunting challenges of the twenty-first-century business environment: rapid and disruptive change, fleeting opportunities, incomplete information, an overall sense of uncertainty and disorder. While military commanders have long faced such challenges on the battlefield, meeting them has be […]
  • Every CEO Should Write an Annual Memo to the Board

    Boards Digital Article
    It is hard to believe but yes, 2009 is winding down. Thanksgiving is around the corner, the holiday rush is almost palpable, and before you know it we’ll be watching our TV screens for the ball to drop in Times Square. It is about this time of year that many businesses begin to feel the […]
  • What Strategists Can Learn from Architecture

    Strategic planning Digital Article
    Make your strategy process a design process.
  • Business's Dirty Little Secret

    Strategy & Execution Magazine Article
    Ethical considerations aside, U.S. companies damage their long-term business interests when they turn a blind eye to the "dirty money" that flows through...
  • When Uncertainty Makes Your Core Business Feel Like a Startup

    Decision making and problem solving Digital Article
    For many years, I’ve been studying and researching how companies can drive organic growth and innovation. An argument that is central to this line of work is that one needs to use different disciplines when operating in an environment in which one has to make many more assumptions than one has knowledge (see McGrath RG, […]
  • Five Questions to Build a Strategy

    Strategy Digital Article
    People make strategy much harder than it needs to be. For some, the problem is that they focus too much on the tools: environmental scans, SWOT analyses, customer analyses, competitor analyses, financial modeling, and so on. Other people get into trouble because they think it’s all about the broad, conceptual, future-oriented, big picture stuff — […]
  • Managing Climate Change: Lessons from the U.S. Navy

    Leadership & Managing People Magazine Article
    The U.S. Navy operates on the front lines of climate change. It manages tens of billions of dollars of assets on every continent and on every ocean, which...
  • Prepare Your Business for the New Cost of Carbon

    Sustainable business practices Digital Article
    In the near future, carbon won’t be free. Governments are about to tax it. Retailers are looking to communicate it on product labels. Consumers have started to make purchase decisions based on its presence in products. Business customers will demand visibility into the way it’s used in their supply chains. These trends will drive new […]
  • Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail

    Leadership & Managing People Magazine Article
    Businesses hoping to survive over the long term will have to remake themselves into better competitors at least once along the way. These efforts have...