One of my favorite truisms is that change is always a threat when done to me, but it is an opportunity when done by me. Many people hate change because it is inflicted on them; someone else is making them do it. Or because circumstances are totally out of their control. (As a bumper sticker says, “One nuclear war could ruin a whole career.”) On the other hand, people change all the time and love it, because they go after something they want – a new venture, a new book, a new spouse, a new baby, a new home, a new career step. In fact, when change is someone’s chance to act on personal goals, it is not even called change. It is just “my project.”
To Master Change, First Dread It
One of my favorite truisms is that change is always a threat when done to me, but it is an opportunity when done by me. Many people hate change because it is inflicted on them; someone else is making them do it. Or because circumstances are totally out of their control. (As a bumper sticker […]
August 05, 2009

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Change Management Course
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Change may be the only constant in today's organizations. Here's how to lead through it.
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HBR Learning

Change Management Course
Accelerate your career with Harvard ManageMentor®. HBR Learning’s online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Change Management. Earn badges to share on LinkedIn and your resume. Access more than 40 courses trusted by Fortune 500 companies.
Change may be the only constant in today's organizations. Here's how to lead through it.