In this era of high anxiety and scarce talent, there’s no question that many leaders and organizations ask too much of people. They create pressures to perform that feel unhealthy and unsustainable.
Unleash Your Organization’s Overlooked Talent
Leaders need to rethink who gets to contribute — and how.
July 19, 2022

Yaroslav Danylchenko/Stocksy
Leaders everywhere are desperate for new insights, new products, new sources of energy and creativity. One way to find those things is to embrace new ideas about who gets to contribute and how, whether they are inside or outside the organization. The author points to two examples: the art exhibition “Guarding the Art” and John Fluevog’s “Open Source Footwear” program. As he writes, “One of the most energizing ways to make your organization more productive and successful is to invite more people to contribute more of themselves to its success.”