For most of the industrial age, technology has acted as a tailwind for creators, powering an age of mass culture that supported a professional class of working artists. However, more recently, the rise of digital technology — specifically, the internet and AI — has become a source of economic dislocation.
Web3 Could Change the Business Model of Creative Work
It offers creators new ways to build real wealth from their work.
September 22, 2023

Illustration by Skizzomat
Web3 — the read-write-own web — could offer a new model for creative work. By offering new tools to earn and own assets, build wealth, and wrestle back control from powerful platforms and intermediaries, it has the potential to simplify how creators fund their ventures and new ways to earn a living, not just on the first sale of a work of art but in perpetuity thanks to programmatic royalty streams paid via smart contracts, self-executing code that can move and store money. If Web1 and Web2 democratized access to information and made it easier to collaborate online, Web3 equips creators with a new toolkit to build real wealth from their work, on a globally level playing field.

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