Our most popular ideas and advice of the week.
By Laszlo Bock
Some of the pre-pandemic rules still apply — but not all of them.
Technology and analytics
Three features to look for as you consider the right tool for your company.
Hiring and recruitment
An analysis of Glassdoor data sheds light on three factors candidates care about most.
Brand management
The vision behind Meta is still just that: a vision.
Business management
The answer isn’t to break them down. It’s to build in effective checks and balances.
Career planning
Take these small steps before making a big leap.
A leader learns how to move away from defending past leadership decisions and focus on the future.
Leading teams
People want to make their own decisions about when and where they work, according to survey data.
Inclusion and belonging
Numbers don’t inspire changes in behavior — people and stories do.
By Joan C. Williams
Companies spend billions of dollars annually on diversity efforts with remarkably few results. To truly make progress we need to stop celebrating the problem and instead take effective steps to solve it. In Bias Interrupted, Joan C. Williams shows how it's done, and, reassuringly, how easy it is to get started.
Comprehensive, though compact and straightforward, this book delivers real, practical value in an efficient and accessible manner to an audience that has never needed it more.
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By Harvard Business Review
Companies expect managers to use financial data to allocate resources and run their departments. But many managers can't read a balance sheet, wouldn't recognize a liquidity ratio, don't know how to calculate return on investment (ROI), and suffer from a fear of finance. We can help.
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