Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming integral to how organizations are run. This should not be a surprise; when analyzing sales calls and market trends, for example, the judgments of computational algorithms can be considered superior to those of humans. As a result, AI techniques are increasingly used to make decisions. Organizations are employing algorithms to allocate valuable resources, design work schedules, analyze employee performance, and even decide whether employees can stay on the job.
What Does Building a Fair AI Really Entail?
Human systems are just as important as tech.
September 03, 2020

Charles Taylor/EyeEm/Getty Images
Organizations are employing algorithms to allocate valuable resources, design work schedules, analyze employee performance, and even decide whether employees can stay on the job. But while AI solves some problems, it creates new ones — and one of the stickiest is how to make sure that decisions shaped or made by AI are fair, and are perceived to be fair. Companies need to stop thinking about fairness — a complicated concept — as something they can address with the right automated processes. The author makes three recommendations: 1) Think of fairness as a collaborative act, 2) regard AI fairness as a negotiation between utility and humanity, and 3) remember that AI fairness involves perceptions of responsibility.

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