Workplace diversity can bring out the best in teams by promoting creativity, encouraging greater consideration of alternatives, and providing access to a wider range of information and perspectives. The numerous benefits also extend to employee recruitment and retention. Despite the growing body of evidence of these advantages and the proliferation of company-sponsored diversity initiatives, the advancement of Black professionals up the corporate ladder has been painfully slow and may even be reversing.
Why Do Boards Have So Few Black Directors?
A study reveals the barriers blocking Black directors and suggests the way forward.
August 13, 2020

Matthias Kulka/Getty Images
A study of boards in the U.S. reveals the barriers blocking Black directors and suggests a way forward. Barriers include recruitment, onboarding, access to board leadership roles, and board dynamics in which Black directors — and women in particular — report that their contributions are ignored or undermined. However, the study also shows that more diverse boards have huge benefits, like offering a diversity of perspectives and encouraging a virtuous cycle of diversity throughout the organization. To gain these benefits and increase board diversity, companies should assess and change their recruitment procedures, build accountability throughout the organization, and boost mentorship and sponsorship opportunities.